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Data requirements: Mixes of Provisions (MoPs)

These tables contain the data requirements for all Mixes of Provisions (MoPs)

  • Auto-populated fields will not be present in the CSV template. However, you can view these fields in the webform version of your report and when you export submitted data from the Submission history.

  • Click here for guidance on using CSV files.

  • For any other questions please contact the TEC Customer Contact Group on 0800 601 301 or


Adult and Community Education (ACE) in Schools

These are the data specifications for the ACE in Schools mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeComment
Course titleMandatoryFree text (maximum 255 characters)
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Priority provision (1)**MandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Priority provision (2)**MandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Target priority groupMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Hours per learnerMandatoryEnter the number of hours per learner.
The number must be a decimal up to 2 decimal places.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Total intended learner hoursAuto-populated*Total hours = Hours per learner * Number of learners.
Funded valueAuto-populated*Total hours * Applicable funding rate.
Click here for information on funding rates.
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters).
It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

** Priority Provision replaces Primary Priority Provision and Primary Focus. The new values reflect requirements from the Funding Determination and in the Funding Conditions and provide meaningful granular information about your delivery.

Adult and Community Education (ACE) in Communities

These are the data specifications for the ACE in Communities mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Course titleMandatoryFree text (maximum 255 characters)
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Priority provision (1)**MandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Priority provision (2)**MandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Target priority groupMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Hours per learnerMandatoryEnter the number of hours per learner.
The number must be a decimal up to 2 decimal places.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Total intended learner hoursAuto-populated*Total hours = Hours per learner * Number of learners.
Funded valueMandatoryEnter the total value of the provision.
The number must be a decimal up to 2 decimal places.
Rate per learner hourAuto-populated*Funded value / Total hours
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters).
It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

** Priority Provision replaces Primary Priority Provision and Primary Focus. The new values reflect requirements from the Funding Determination and in the Funding Conditions and provide meaningful granular information about your delivery.

Adult and Community Education (ACE) TEIs

These are the data specifications for the ACE in TEIs mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Course codeMandatoryFree text (maximum 20 characters).
Please use the same course code as will be reported in the SDR actuals.
Course titleMandatoryFree text (maximum 75 characters)
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Priority provision (1)*MandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Priority provision (2)*MandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Target priority groupMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver.
The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Funded valueAuto-populated*Funded EFTS * Applicable funding rate
Click here for information on funding rates
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters).
It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

** Priority Provision replaces Primary Priority Provision and Primary Focus. The new values reflect requirements from the Funding Determination and in the Funding Conditions and provide meaningful granular information about your delivery.

DQ3-7 and DQ7+ Universities

These are the data specifications for the DQ3-7 and DQ7+ Universities mix of provision (MoP).

Field nameField TypeDescription
FundMandatoryEnter DQ7+ or DQ3-7
Delivery classification codeMandatoryEnter a code from the Delivery Classification Guide.
Delivery classification nameAuto-populated*From the Delivery classification code.
Funding categoryMandatoryEnter a funding category from the Delivery Classification Guide.
Mode of deliveryMandatoryEnter ‘Provider-based’ or ‘Provider-based extra mural’.
Subject categoryAuto-populated*Will auto-populate based on Delivery classification code and Funding category (F1 – F6).
Funding rateAuto-populated*Click here for information on funding rates.
Year 1 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 funded EFTS * Funding rate.
Year 1 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 unfunded EFTS * Funding rate.
Year 1 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 1 funded EFTS and Year 1 unfunded EFTS
Year 1 total valueAuto-populated*Year 1 total EFTS * Funding rate.
Year 2 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 funded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 2 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 unfunded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 2 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 2 funded EFTS and Year 2 unfunded EFTS
Year 2 total valueAuto-populated*Year 2 total EFTS * Funding rate

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.


DQ1-2 These are the data specifications for the DQ1-2 mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data. (excluding TEO-specific lists of qualifications).

Field nameField typeDescription
Qualification codeMandatoryEnter an approved qualification.
Only qualifications approved and in STEO are valid for this field.
Qualification nameAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
NZQCF qualification LevelAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
Qualification typeAuto-populated*The DQ1-2 funding qualification type. From the qualification code.
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Rate per qualificationAuto-populated*Click here for information on funding rates
Year 1 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 funded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 1 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 unfunded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 1 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 1 funded EFTS and Year 1 unfunded EFTS
Year 1 total valueAuto-populated*Year 1 total EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 funded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 unfunded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 2 funded EFTS and Year 2 unfunded EFTS
Year 2 total valueAuto-populated*Year 2 total EFTS * Rate per qualification
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

DQ3-7 All modes of Delivery

These are the data specifications for the DQ3-7 All modes of Delivery mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Subject categoryMandatoryEnter F1 – F6 subject categories
Mode of deliveryMandatoryProvider-based
Provider-based: extramural
Work-based: pathway to work
Assessment and verification
(Also available in the Reference Data.)
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Funding rateAuto-populated*Click here for information on funding rates
Year 1 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 funded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 1 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 unfunded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 1 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 1 funded EFTS and Year 1 unfunded EFTS
Year 1 total valueAuto-populated*Year 1 total EFTS * Funding rate
Year 2 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 funded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 2 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 unfunded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 2 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 2 funded EFTS and Year 2 unfunded EFTS
Year 2 total valueAuto-populated*Year 2 total EFTS * Funding rate
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

DQ3-10 EFTS/Learners for EPICs

These are the data specifications for the DQ3-10 EFTS/Learners for EPICs template. There is no CSV available for this data. Refer to the Reference Data for the list of rows in this template.

Field nameField TypeDescription
NZQCF qualification levelAuto-populated*Refer to Reference Data.
Year 1 number of work-based learnersMandatoryEnter the number of work-based learners plan to deliver. The number must be a whole number, greater than or equal to zero.
Year 1 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 number of work-based learnersMandatoryEnter the number of work-based learners plan to deliver. The number must be a whole number, greater than or equal to zero.
Year 2 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.


DQ3-7 Qualification

These are the data specifications for the DQ3-7 Qualification mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Qualification codeMandatoryEnter an approved qualification.
Only qualifications approved and in STEO are valid for this field.
Qualification nameAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
NZQCF qualification LevelAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Mode of deliveryMandatoryEnter ‘Provider-based’ or ‘Provider-based extra mural’.
Correctional facilityMandatoryEnter Yes or No. Where a qualification is delivered both Yes and No, please submit two rows of commitments.
Rate per qualificationAuto-populated*This is the calculated average rate based on previous delivery in same or similar qualification.
Year 1 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 funded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 1 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 unfunded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 1 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 1 funded EFTS and Year 1 unfunded EFTS
Year 1 total valueAuto-populated*Year 1 total EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 funded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 unfunded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 2 funded EFTS and Year 2 unfunded EFTS
Year 2 total valueAuto-populated*Year 2 total EFTS * Rate per qualification
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

DQ7+Delivery Classification

These are the data specifications for the DQ7+ Delivery Classification mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Delivery classification codeMandatoryEnter a code from the Delivery Classification Guide
Delivery classification nameAuto-populated*From the Delivery classification code
Funding categoryMandatoryEnter a funding category from the Delivery Classification Guide
Funding rateAuto-populated*Click here for information on funding rates
Year 1 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 funded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 1 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 unfunded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 1 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 1 funded EFTS and Year 1 unfunded EFTS
Year 1 total valueAuto-populated*Year 1 total EFTS * Applicable funding rate
Year 2 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 funded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 2 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 unfunded EFTS * Funding rate
Year 2 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 2 funded EFTS and Year 2 unfunded EFTS
Year 2 total valueAuto-populated*Year 2 total EFTS * Applicable funding rate

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

DQ7+ Qualification

These are the data specifications for the DQ7+ Qualification mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Qualification codeMandatoryEnter an approved qualification.
Only qualifications approved and in STEO are valid for this field.
Qualification nameAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
NZQCF qualification LevelAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Correctional facilityMandatoryEnter Yes or No. Where a qualification is delivered both Yes and No, please submit two rows of commitments.
Rate per qualificationAuto-populated*This is the calculated average rate based on previous delivery in same or similar qualification.
Year 1 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 funded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 1 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 1 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 1 unfunded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 1 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 1 funded EFTS and Year 1 unfunded EFTS
Year 1 total valueAuto-populated*Year 1 total EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 funded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 funded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 unfunded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of unfunded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Year 2 unfunded valueAuto-populated*Year 2 unfunded EFTS * Rate per qualification
Year 2 total EFTSAuto-populated*Sum of Year 2 funded EFTS and Year 2 unfunded EFTS
Year 2 total valueAuto-populated*Year 2 total EFTS * Rate per qualification
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

Emergency Management

These are the data specifications for the Emergency Management mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Course/Activity titleMandatoryFree text (maximum 255 characters)
Primary focusMandatoryRefer to Reference data
Secondary focusMandatoryRefer to Reference data
Primary target groupMandatoryRefer to Reference data
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Hours per learnerMandatoryEnter the number of hours per learner.
The number must be a decimal up to 2 decimal places.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Total intended learner hoursAuto-populated*Hours per learner * Number of learners
Funded valueMandatoryEnter the total value of the provision.
The number must be a decimal up to 2 decimal places.
Funding rateAuto-populated*Funded value / Total intended learner hours
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

English Language Teaching

These are the data specifications for the English Language Teaching mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Hours per learnerMandatoryEnter the number of hours per learner.
The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Total intended learner hoursAuto-populated*Hours per leaner * Number of learners
Funded valueAuto-populated*Total intended learner hours * Applicable funding rate
Click here for information on funding rates
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

Intensive Literacy and Numeracy (ILN)

These are the data specifications for the Intensive Literacy and Numeracy (ILN) mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of funded learners you plan to deliver.
Must be a whole number greater than or equal to zero.
Hours per learnerMandatoryEnter the number of hours per learner.
The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Total intended learner hoursAuto-populated*Hours per learner * Number of learners
Funded valueAuto-populated*Total Intended learner hours * Applicable funding rate
Click here for information on funding rates
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

Māori and Pasifika Trades (MPPT)

These are the data specifications for the Māori and Pasifika Trades (MPPT) mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
ConsortiumMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
Qualification codeMandatoryEnter an approved qualification.
Only qualifications approved and in STEO are valid for this field.
Qualification nameAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
NZQCF qualification levelAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
Qualification typeAuto-populated*The DQ1-2 funding qualification type. From the qualification code.
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver.
The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Top-up funding rateAuto-populated*For L3-4 qualifications. Click here for information on funding rates.
Top-up fundingAuto-populated*L3-4 Funded EFTS * Top-up funding rate
Brokerage rateAuto-populated*Click here for information on funding rates.
Brokerage fundingAuto-populated*Number of Learners * Brokerage rate
Rate per qualificationAuto-populated*For DQ1-2 qualifications. Click here for information on funding rates.
DQ1-2 funded valueAuto-populated*DQ1-2 Funded EFTS * Rate per qualification
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

Search and Rescue

These are the data specifications for the Search and Rescue mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Course/Activity titleMandatoryFree Text (maximum 200 characters)
Primary focusMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Secondary focusMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Primary target groupMandatoryRefer to Reference Data
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Hours per learnerMandatoryEnter the number of hours per learner.
The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than two decimal places.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Total intended learner hoursAuto-populated*Hours per learner * Number of learners
Funded valueMandatoryEnter the total value of the provision.
The number must be a decimal up to 2 decimal places.
Funding rateAuto-populated*Funded value / Total intended learner hours
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.


These are the data specifications for the TEO-led WLN mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Number of learnersMandatoryEnter the number of intended funded learners.
The number must be a whole number.
Hours per learnerMandatoryEnter the total number of hours per learner.
The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Total intended learner hoursAuto-populated*Hours per learner * Number of learners
Funded valueAuto-populated*Total intended learner hours * Applicable funding rate
Click here for information on funding rates
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

Youth Guarantee

These are the data specifications for the Youth Guarantee mix of provision (MoP).

Click here for Reference Data.

Field nameField TypeDescription
Qualification codeMandatoryEnter an approved qualification.
Only qualifications approved and in STEO are valid for this field.
Qualification nameAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
NZQCF qualification levelAuto-populated*From the qualification code.
Qualification typeAuto-populated*The YG funding qualification type. From the qualification code.
Region of deliveryMandatoryRefer to Reference Data.
The Region should reflect any specific agreements you have with the TEC regarding where your qualifications are delivered.
Funded EFTSMandatoryEnter the number of funded EFTS you plan to deliver. The number must be greater than or equal to zero, with no more than four decimal places.
Rate per qualificationAuto-populated*Click here for information on funding rates
Funded valueAuto-populated*Funded EFTS * Rate per qualification.
Click here _for information on funding rates
CommentsOptionalFree text (maximum 80 characters). It does not form part of your Plan and/or MoP.

*These fields are auto-populated and will not be present in the CSV template.

The YG Summary Page will show the calculated amounts for the Wellbeing and pathway support subsidy and the Estimated YG Premium for L1-2 provision.