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User guide: Mixes of Provision (MoP)

This user guide describes the steps to make a MoP Data Submission in DXP Ngā Kete. It applies to MoPs for all relevant TEC Funds.

From the Data Submissions tab, you can:

  • View your ‘Commitments’ grid
  • Start and validate a submission
  • Enter data into the MoP webform
  • Enter data by uploading a by uploading a .CSV UTF-8 file
  • View allocation tolerance messages
  • Edit data and correct errors
  • Review MoP summary and submit data
  • Export MoP submission

Steps to complete and submit your MoP

  1. The TEC provisions MoPs on DXP Ngā Kete.
  2. Providers enter or upload MoP data.
  3. Data is tested against technical validation as part of the data entry/upload process.
  4. Providers can edit data to correct errors.
  5. Providers submit validated data submissions to TEC for review.

View your commitments (MoPs)

From the Data Submissions menu tab:

  1. Click Commitments from the left-hand panel. The grid lists your organisation’s MoPs (and EPICs). For more information see User Guide – Glossary: Commitments.

  2. Select from the filters in one or more drop-downs to show the rows you wish to view.

  3. Click Reset filters to clear all filters, including sort order.

Start and validate a submission

  1. Click the required MoP row in the grid. A summary of the MoP will display.

  2. View the MoP Plan year, Due date, Summary and Version history.

  3. Click Start & validate submission at the top right of the page. ‘Your report’ will display.

Enter data

There are two methods available to enter data:

  • Add row: Manually enter data into the MoP webform. The webform is designed as per the data requirements with links to reference data in the drop-downs. It contains auto-calculation on formula fields and validates as you go.

  • Upload file: Upload data into the webform using the CSV UTF-8 file format. Formula fields will calculate as part of the upload process. Once uploaded, data can be edited in the webform, if needed. Alternatively, edits can be made to the original CSV UTF-8 file outside of DXP Ngā Kete and re-uploaded.

✏ Note: If you upload or re-upload a CSV UTF-8 file, it will overwrite data already entered or uploaded to the webform.

Add row

  1. Click Add row from ‘Your report’. The ‘Add Commitment’ webform will display.
  2. Follow the prompts and use the reference data in the drop-downs (where applicable) to populate the webform. Formulated fields will display in the webform and calculations will refresh on update.

✏ Note: A red field border indicates an error. Follow the prompts to resolve.

  1. Click Update to save the row. ‘Your report’ will display updated data.

✏ Note: The ‘Variance to fund allocation’ is displayed at the top of the page and in the summary. Green text indicates within tolerance, orange text indicates under tolerance; red text indicates over tolerance.

  1. Repeat these steps to add additional rows to your report.

Upload file

There are several ways to create an upload file. The best one for your organisation will depend on the size and complexity of your MoP, and your internal business processes.

Uploaded files must match the template data requirements and be saved in CSV UTF-8 format.

MoP template
Download an empty MoP template from ‘Your report’, enter MoP data and save as a CSV UTF-8 file in your local drive.

Source system
Extract data from your source system, e.g. forecasting system, if you use one - and save as a CSV UTF-8 file in your local drive.

Prior year MoP
Export a previously submitted MoP from ‘Version history’ grid, save as a CSV file in your local drive and update data as required. Note: this is not an option for 2025 MoPs due to this being the first year of the new format.

  1. Click Upload file from ‘Your report’. Select saved CSV UTF-8 file from your local drive.
  2. Click Open. Your data will display in ‘Your report’.

Populating data into an upload file.

The MoP data requirements specify the upload file columns and format the data must be in. Please ensure you fill in the data using the specified format. Additional columns should not be added in the CSV template provided. The file must be in a CSV UTF-8 format.

For more information on data requirements see User Guide – Data Requirements: MoPs.

💡 Tip: If you use Excel to help prepare a CSV upload file, copy and paste the column headings from the CSV template into the top of your worksheet and check your columns match the prescribed columns (as far as the furthest right-hand column). Delete your original column headings row so that the column headings are as expected by the system and are not duplicated in the saved CSV file.

Over and under the allocation tolerance

Any variance to fund allocation over the allowed tolerance is displayed in an under or over tolerance warning or error message.

Please contact the TEC Customer Contact Group (CCG) or your Relationship Manager (RMI) if you have any questions about your variance to fund allocation.

Variation typeMessage type
Under toleranceA warning message will display. You will be able to submit.
Over toleranceAn error message will display. You will not be able to submit.
Over tolerance (Delivery Qualification DQ funds)A warning message will display. You will be able to submit.

Correct errors and edit data

The number of MoP rows containing errors will display above ‘Your report’ grid. Red exclamation marks indicate error rows.

Use Download error report to view your errors in Excel or toggle Show error rows only to filter for error rows.

Making corrections and edit data in the webform

  1. Click Edit on the row to be updated. The ‘Add Commitment’ webform will display. Enter correct data, follow the error prompts and use reference data drop-downs (where applicable) to enter data.
  2. Click Update. ‘Your report’ will display with updated data.
  3. Click Add row to add a new row or click Remove to remove the row in ‘Your report’.

Making corrections and edit data using an upload file

  1. Click Export from ‘Your report’ and download MoP data.
  2. Edit data as required and save to your local drive as a CSV UTF-8 file.
  3. Click Upload file and select your file.
  4. Click Open. Your data will display in ‘Your report’.

Review summary and submit data

  1. Click Next from ‘Your report’. A summary of your submission will display.
  2. Review your summary information.

✏ Note: Submit will be grayed out if the MoP contains errors or if the MoP has generated a tolerance error message. Click Back to edit data in ‘Your report’.

  1. Click Submit.

✏ Note: an error message will display if you submit a blank file.

  1. Click Confirm to process your data submission or click Cancel to continue in draft. A summary of your submission will display.
  2. The MoP will display in the ‘Version history’ with an event of ‘Submitted’. The MoP status will also be ‘Submitted’.

For more information about MoP events and status see User Guide – Data Submissions: Glossary: Commitments.