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Glossary: Commitments

Commitments grid

The ‘Commitments’ grid is the landing page for all Mixes of Provision (MoPs) and Educational Performance Indicator Commitments (EPICs) data submissions. This table provides a description of each field in the grid. Filters are available to show only the rows of interest. Use ‘Reset filters’ to clear.

ColumnDescriptionFilter available
IDUnique data submission ID number.
FundThe fund the MoP or EPIC relates to.
TemplateThe name of the MoP or EPIC template.
Due dateThe date by which the MoP or EPIC must be completed and submitted.
Plan yearThe plan year the MoP or EPIC relates to.
StatusProvisioned: Data submission has been provisioned.
Draft: Data submission has been edited, uploaded by the provider but not yet submitted.
Submitted: Data submission has passed validation and has been submitted.
Revise: Data submission has been submitted, however requires an amendment by the provider.
Under Review: Data submission has been submitted and is being reviewed by TEC.
Review Complete: Data submission has been reviewed.
Last modifiedThe last date/time the data submission was modified. (This is the sort order).
Modified byThe name of the user who last modified the data submission.
ActionsClick Open to view commitment summary and Version history.

*The grid is sorted by Last modified as default.

Version history grid

The ‘Version history’ grid displays information relating to the data submission.

DateThe MoP or EPIC ‘Event’ date.
DocumentThe document file (Only be available for rows with a ‘Submitted’ event).
Event- Created : Data submission has been provisioned.
- Drafted: Data submission has been edited, uploaded by the provider but not yet submitted.
- Submitted: Data submission has passed validation and has been submitted.
- Revising: Data submission has been submitted, however requires an amendment by the provider.
- Review Requested: Data submission has been submitted and is being reviewed by TEC.
- Review Completed: Data submission has been reviewed.
Completed byName of the user who completed the ‘Event’.
CommentsComments added by TEC during submission process (if required).