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User guide: Documents

This user guide describes the steps to view, add/upload, edit and delete documents in DXP Ngā Kete.

From the Documents menu tab, you can:

  • View/edit documents
  • Add/upload documents to share with the TEC
  • Edit documents
  • Delete documents
  • Search for documents using the filters (see Glossary - Documents)

View your document

Select the Documents menu tab:

  1. Select from the filters in one or more drop-downs to show the rows you wish to view.

✏ Note: The File filter requires you to enter key words.

  1. Click the arrow in the grid headings to sort the order of the displayed rows (if required).

  2. Click Reset filters to clear all filters, including sort order.

✏ Note: Filters and sort orders on the grid will not be saved when you navigate to other pages, close your browser or restart your session.

Add and upload document(s)

There are two methods available:

  • Upload a document
  • Add a document (to a previous document upload)

Upload a document

Upload a document to create a new row on the document grid. For example, upload your Investment Plan document and then add additional documents, so all related documents are kept together on the grid row.

  1. Click Upload document. The Upload document(s) webform will display.
  2. Select the Document type applicable to your document(s) (see User Guide - Document types).
  3. Enter a Subject to describe what the document is generally about (this is an optional free text field for your use).
  4. Select Fund (optional).
  5. Select Plan Year (optional).
  6. Follow instructions in the Upload files box to select your document.
  7. Click Upload. Information about the document(s) you have uploaded will display in a new row on the ‘Documents’ grid.

✏ Note: Your primary document filename will display in the Document grid and is searchable.

Add a document

Add document to a document grid row so that all related documents are kept together. For example:

  • Add supplementary documents to your Investment Plan document row.
  • Add your response to a document TEC provisioned with ‘response required’ or response enabled’ status.
  1. Click on the required document row. The Document summary page will display.
  2. Click Add Document.
  3. Follow instructions in the Add document pop-up box to select your document.

💡 Tip: You can add multiple documents at once.

  1. Click Confirm. Your document will be display in the Document history on the Document summary page.
  2. Return to the Document grid. The document count will be updated to account for the number of documents that have been added.

Add a new version

  1. Follow instructions to Add a document using the latest version.

Note: Adding document with same filename as the original document, the system will add a version extension in the filename, e.g. <document name (1)>.

Edit a document

  1. Click on the required document in the Document grid. The Document summary page will display.
  2. Click Edit comment to add a comment for your TEO reference, if needed. The comment will display on the Document grid.

Delete a document

Note: To delete a document uploaded in error, contact the TEC Customer Contact Group on 0800 601 301 or

Archive documents

Use the Archive function to ensure your Documents page stays as clutter-free as possible.

  1. Go to the Home page and click Notifications.
  2. Click Archive on the notification row. The document will be archived and removed from view.
  3. Select Archived in the Archive status filter to view archived documents.