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The ‘Notifications’ grid lists all data submissions and documents that have been provisioned for your organisation sorted by most recent at the top, and includes:

  • The count of items with an unread status (highlighted red next to the ‘Notifications’ button)

  • The ‘Read status’ filter with options, ‘Unread’ or ‘Read’.

  • An option to archive the data submission or document, by clicking ‘Archive’ in the item row.

✏ Note: If the item has not been read, it will display in bold text, and there will also be a blue dot under the provision date.

  • The archive status filter with options, ‘Active’ or ‘Archived’.

  • A ‘View all’ button to reset filters.

  • A ‘Mark all as read’ button to update the status of all items in the grid to ‘Read’.

  • A list of your data submissions and documents with the date and time they were provisioned by TEC.