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What's due

The ‘What’s due’ grid lists all data submissions and documents that have been provisioned for your organisation and which require action.

DescriptionThe name of the data submission template or document that TEC has provisioned on DXP Ngā Kete.
TypeData Submission or the document type. A full list and description of document types is included in the Information and terminology user guide under Documents. (coming soon)
DueThe due date for the action required. The due date can be sorted.
Fund yearThe fund year of the data submission or document. This may be blank for the document if not applicable.
StatusData Submissions:
·         Draft: in progress
·         Provisioned: provisioned but not yet started
·         Revise: requires re-work by the TEO

·         Response required: requires a response
·         Response enabled:  optional response
Date createdThe date and time the data submission or document was provisioned by TEC

The ‘What’s due’ grid lists all data submissions and documents that have been provisioned for your organisation and includes:

• The count of items due (highlighted red next to the ‘What’s due’ button)

• The ‘Contact us’ button provides contact details for enquiries.

Grid columns can be sorted by clicking the up arrow next to the column title. Navigate to the data submission or document by clicking on the row.